Friday, November 11, 2011

Water Slide Shark Attack: The Beginning

So back when I was working at A.K.A on the Eds, which could have been 7 plus years ago, I don't know, it's a bit of a blur now, I had an idea for a short cartoon. Originally I wanted to do a short about a young shark who was an actor, and how his life sucked since he was pigeon holed as a 'killer shark' and those were the only roles he got. In high school he was always the rogue shark in plays, all his pro gigs were the same deal and eventually his work ran dry since he was replaced by crappy CG efx. Anyways I was trying to think of the stupidest idea for a shark film he could be in (since most all shark movies are ridiculous) and thats when I came up with 'Water Slide Shark Attack!!!'. After a while, I just thought it would be so much cooler to just work on WSSA!! and how fun it would be to draw.

For some reason though, in the animation industry you never really get around to working on your own stuff (i.e Tallboys), yet you kill yourself working on crappy shows at even crappier studios (Big Bad Boo). Plus in the last couple years there have been a couple set backs. Around Christmas 2008, a real f#ckin shark jumped in a real water slide in the Atlantis Resort. I mean that was the cool thing about this cartoon, and really what made it work as a cartoon, is that sharks don't f%ckin go in water slides.....but for the people that know me, this would only happen to me. You get an idea for a cartoon involving sharks and water slides and then it really happens. Fast forward to earlier this year where I am doing storyboards on My Little Pony with most of the cool AKA gang and Big Jim asks me if I heard about the new Piranha movie called Piranha 3DD. At first I was stoked and laughed at the title, but then I googled it and realized it takes place in no other place then a f#ckin water park. You have got to be f#ckin kidding me. Don't get me wrong, I will be first in line to see this bad boy, I love shark movies and other rip offs (i.e Orca)....I even saw Shark Night 3D in the theatre, but we snuck a six pack and it made it a lot cooler. So I decided to just post a blog of all the designs, thumbnails and what not that I have done for WSSA!! since I know theres a good chance I will be in the theatre and watching my ideas unfold onscreen.

Finally here's a brief breakdown of what goes on (most of it isn't drawn), but just so you have some type of clue of what is happening. Here goes...

-Drunk teenagers hop the fence of a water park at night and end up being killed
-Cops show up to inspect the torn remains and wanna close the water park in fear of a shark
-The 'Head Honcho' of the water park water refuses to close up shop and lose all the profit
-Water park stays open and a little boy is killed on the big slides after not listening to his mom and stickin to the little ones.
-As the mom looks for her boy, a shark attack occurs in the hot tub.
-Shark attacks takes place everywhere (tube park, kiddie pool etc.)
-Chaos ensues and entire park panics
-Entire park floods and no one can hide
-Cops show up to save the day and try airlifting survivors away on helicopter
-Head Honcho is counting his money and realizes he is doomed, so he makes a jumps on to the clump of people clinging on for dear life and screws everything up
-An unlikely hero tries to save the day...

Man, enough of this typing nonsense. If I wanted to read, I would go to school. Let's get to the cartoons. A lot of these drawings are old, pretty rough and some are flat out bunk, but whatever. Plus they are chock full of gore, PG-13 tots and actual cartoonyness which seems to be lost in the industry, so if you aren't down with that, don't bother. But for those of you who like to party and smoke a couple Pilsners, here it is, Water Slide Shark Attack!!!!!!


Shark Model....sorta

WSSA!!! Victims ( a.k.a Sausage Fest )

WSSA!!! Victims (w/ Extra Tots)

CHR Color

Coppers and the Head Honcho Ruffs

Burgas and Lacrosse Balls in Tube Socks

This is a dumb little gag. The little boy is forbidden by his mom to go on the big cool slides and has to stick to the little wee ones. He obviously thinks that's lame and needs to sneak away. Apparently his best option is to jump into a fat chicks ass and he's willing to go that he gets to snag her burger for good measure.

Little Boy vs Great White

Hot Tub of Death!!!!!!


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Kiddie Pool Death Explosion

The Ending/Token Helicopter Scene Part 1

So, here's the ending. After all hell breaks loose, the water park completely floods and everyone is served as a hot meal. Like any good shark movie (Jaws 2, Jaws the Revenge, Deep Blue Sea, Batman(1966)...well none of those are really good at all, but they all have a token helicopter scene which somehow involves a shark attack. Here, we have the cops show up to save the remaining survivors who are all in a huge clump hanging on for dear life to the chopper. The 'Head Honcho' decides to jump onboard and fling everyone to their death (women and children first) to save his own ass....but in the end, he gets it, big time.